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TCD Strategy Document for Sport

7.1 OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 1: Participation 16 RAISING OUR GAME A Strategy for Sport at Trinity 2015 - 2018 OBJECTIVE TO OFFER AN INNOVATIVE AND APPEALING PROGRAMME OF SPORT, FITNESS, RECREATION AND ACTIVITIES THAT WILL ENCOURAGE REGULAR PARTICIPATION BY INCREASED NUMBERS OF STUDENTS, STAFF AND COMMUNITY USERS, AT THE LEVEL OF THEIR CHOOSING. Participation in the context of the Strategy focuses very clearly on sport and physical recreational opportunities for students, staff and other users in a non-competitive or non-performance environment. Sport and physical recreational programmes and initiatives attract the largest cohort of students and other users as well as providing a sizeable income stream against business objectives. While student club sport is often and rightfully positioned as the ‘heartbeat’ of university sport, a real opportunity exists to make a lasting difference in the health and lifestyle of the campus community. The full realisation of the identified actions has the potential to produce a healthier and happier campus that will set standards in terms of participation statistics within the sector, as well as increasing productivity, satisfaction and experience in Trinity. It is also recognised that closer and meaningful links between Sport and the Students’ Unions will bolster significantly the creation, promotion and ownership of recreational opportunities by students and this is introduced within the actions below. ACTIONS 1.1 Deliver a dynamic programme of organised classes each year that increases participation, particularly by female students; 1.2 Liaise with the Students’ Union to appoint annually a non-sabbatical Sport & Recreation Officer post within the Executive Structure of the SU; 1.3 In conjunction with the Health Centre, and the Human Resources Department, create and deliver an ‘Active Staff’ programme; 1.4 Liaise with the Global Relations Office to offer a quality orientation programme for international students via the medium of sport, and initiate specific programmes for international students each academic year; 1.5 Create and deliver an Intra Mural Sports Programme for students that engages residential accommodation; 1.6 Initiate a sporting programme as part of Orientation via Academic Schools; 1.7 Increase awareness and interest in ‘Trinity Sport’ by better promoting fixtures and activities of student clubs to create a ‘Collegiate’ support for Trinity colours; 1.8 Continue to develop the children’s activity programme to include after school activities, delivered primarily by qualified Trinity student coaches. Success will be achieved when there is evidence of increased numbers, year on year, of students and staff regularly taking part in sport and physical activity and this is recognised by the University as integral to attainment, achievement, performance and productivity. This will be measured by:

TCD Strategy Document for Sport
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